
Głowica do natrysku ze zdalnym sterowaniem
Spray nozzle head for spraying bituminous and mineral products with remote control
18 August 2016
głowica natryskowa do bitumów i materiałów mineralnych
Spray nozzle head for spraying bituminous and mineral products
23 August 2016
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Głowica do natrysku o dużej wydajności

Spray lance with high delivery

Catalogue number 20193

Catalog no.: 20193. Category: . Tagi: , , , , , .

Used: For high delivery spraying of bituminous and mineral materials.
Description: High quality spray lance dedicated to apply bituminous and
mineral products. Design of the lance allows easy pressure regulation.
According to type of material used for spraying lance can be provided with
exchangeable nozzles with hole diameters 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm and

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